Improve air quality in your home and keep your HVAC equipment working at peak efficiency.
Cleaner ducts and heat exchangers surfaces mean improved air flow and increased heat transfer. When this occurs, fuel consumption is reduced.
Duct systems not only circulate heating and cooling but also dust. Less dust circulation means easier breathing. This is especially beneficial for individuals with allergies or other respiratory problems. If dust and dirt are allowed to accumulate in the duct system, a breeding ground for germs and bacteria may develop.
Large accumulations of dust on heat exchanger surfaces can become a fire hazard. Temperatures in most heating systems are high enough to ignite dust particles.
Less dirt in circulation reduces the need for cleaning carpets, drapes, and furniture. Less dirt also means reduced streaking around registers and vents there by reducing the need for painting and redecorating.
The blower is removed from the system so that it can be properly cleaned. A ten-inch suction hose is inserted into the heating unit. The other end of the hose is connected to our power vac truck on one of our HEPA filtered cleaning units.
While the system is under suction, compressed air is blown though the ducts, forcing the air back into the furnace. When the dirt reaches the furnace, it is drawn into the truck by the suction hose.
The evaporator coil, blower, and heat exchanger are then cleaned and inspected. There is no dirt or mess inside the house since all the debris is drawn directly from the duct system to the duct cleaning machine.