COVID-19, more commonly referred to as the Coronavirus, is an airborne spreading rapidly. Starting in China, this pandemic and has reached over 150 countries, including the United States. To help prevent the spread of this virus, people need to take more precautions than ever to ensure that we don’t get sick or unintentionally infect others. Below are some tips that will help prevent the spread of Coronavirus and influenza viruses in general.
Staying Home
If you are feeling sick in any way, you should stay home. You don’t want to spread the disease to the people you come into contact with. You also don’t want to catch anything from the people on public transit or at your office. Many professionals are suggesting people quarantine themselves for at least a couple of weeks. If your job allows you to work from home, you should take advantage of the opportunity for your health and the health of everyone else.
Wearing a Mask
One of the most common ways airborne illnesses get into the air is through coughing and sneezing. If you do have to cough or sneeze, you should cover your mouth. Preferably into a tissue, you can discard, or into your elbow. Avoid coughing or sneezing into your hands, so you don’t spread germs by touch. To help ensure you don’t emit or breathe in toxins, wear a mask when out in public. While not a full-proof method, it can be very beneficial.
UV Light
Believe it or not, people are killing Coronavirus with UV light. Scientists have been asking the question, “can UV light be used to kill airborne viruses?” The answer seems to be quite positive. The light can kill the virus. All you have to do is place a UV light in areas of high risk. Some people will put a UV light by their bed. The light disinfects a meter circumference for at least a half-hour. The virus is sensitive to the light and heat of the light so that it will kill it. Can UV light be used to kill other airborne viruses? The answer seems to be yes. However, it’s important not to use a UV light on the skin as direct exposure can cause damage, some of which have been linked to cancer.
Wash Hands Regularly
It’s essential to wash your hands after you cough or sneeze. You should also wash your hands when you come into contact with other people or things that other people have been in contact with. You should wash your hands with soap for a full twenty seconds. Some people use the song “Happy Birthday,” repeating it twice to help them cleanse their hands for the entire twenty seconds.
Cleaning Your Home Thoroughly
If you live with others, you should wash things down regularly. Everyday things you need to make a point to wipe down with antibacterial wipes include doorknobs, the toilet, counters, the fridge door, and anything else that people touch regularly. You also want to periodically dust and change the filter in your HVAC unit.
Following these simple procedures will help to lessen the effect COVID-19 will have in the weeks and months to come. Remember, wash hands for at least 20 seconds, avoid touching your face, and follow giving guidelines about congregating in groups. These tips can help keep you and your family stay safe and healthy. If you do feel ill, self-quarantine, and see a professional as soon as you can. If we all do our part, we can help keep ourselves and our community as healthy as possible.
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AirScrubber Plus
and other products.